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Media Center & Chromebooks

Media Center Mission

The mission of the media program is to acquire, organize and provide access to information and knowledge in support of the Troup County School System mission statement and district goals.

To achieve this, we:
provide and maintain resources in all formats that support the curriculum
energetically integrate media and technology resources and services into the instructional activities of the school
cooperatively plan with teachers to design units of instruction and learning strategies that meet the needs of all students
stimulate interest in reading and using information and ideas to promote confidence and critical-thinking skills
encourage and provide tools for self-education outside the classroom
participate in programs for professional growth

The media center is the heart of the school and a vital component in the development of lifelong learners.  It should foster an inviting, stimulating, positive atmosphere to provide sound learning experiences.  The Media Specialist is responsible for creating and maintaining this atmosphere and in guiding students and faculty in becoming effective users of ideas and information.


Check out EBooks online now! Click here for instructions.
Click here for EBooks through Destiny Discover!

Policies and Procedures

  • You will go to the media center every two weeks on assigned day.

  • Your ELA teacher will send small groups (5-6 students) during the block for check-out.

  • You can check out 2 books:

    • Ebooks are also available! Click here to begin reading now!

    • QR Code books available as well - the book is kept at the circulation desk with Mrs. Neighbors and Mrs. Woody 

    • You are not required to check out 2 books

  • You have two weeks with the books:

    • 3 days of grace if turned in late

    • $0.10 cent fine per day 

  • Please check the due date card to see when books are due:

    • The last date stamped is the due date

  • Please use the drop box located outside the media center  if you are unable to return books on your next visit to the library.

    • Drop off during transition, on the way to lunch, or before you go home.

  • We check the box multiple times a day.  There is no excuse for a late book.

  • Dropbox = Zero Fines

  • Mrs. Neighbors & Mrs. Woody are always available to help! 




Having Chromebook issues? Call the Help Desk at 706-668-6823. 

Click here to find out how to update your Chromebook Device

Remember to manually power off your computer at least once a week!

Click here for simple Troubleshooting instructions

If you have any issues that are not listed, or cannot resolve them yourself, bring your Chromebook by the Media Center to have it looked at!