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About Us

Gardner Newman Middle School
101 South Shannon Drive
LaGrange, GA 30241

Phone: 706.883.1535
Fax: 706.883.1562



Dr. Kelley Adams, Principal

Ms. Desa Fuller, Assistant Principal

Mrs. Heather Brooks, Assistant Principal

Mr. Thomas Moat, Assistant Principal / Registrar

Our Priorities


Rigorous and Relevant Instruction

Culture Focused for Success



Gardner Newman has a wonderful Parent Teacher Organization which serves as a link between the community and schools! This organization works with the school in a variety of ways including sponsoring fundraising events to benefit our school!

PTO Officers for 2024-2025
President: TBD

Meeting schedule for this year:

Contact our PTO via email at

Like us on FaceBook: GNMS PTO



GNMS offers a variety of Clubs & Activities to students.
Below you will find what GNMS has to offer as well as a point of contact if you are interested in joining!

Academic Bowl; Mrs. Chabot
FCS; Mrs. Dykes
Art Club; Mrs. Alford 
Junior Beta Club
Band; Mr. Burch
Greenpower Racing
FFA; Mr Neeley
Mustang Maniacs
Spirit Squad
Competition Cheer; Mrs. Alford